活動免責表單 Event Waivers Forms

這是一份關乎您的法律權利和義務的重要文件。在參與「Shifen Trail」(活動)之前,您必須仔細閱讀它。當您在線報名時,將要求您勾選一個方框,以確認您已閱讀並理解此表格。這是該活動非常重要的文件。
This is an important document which affects your legal rights and obligations. You must read it carefully prior to entering ‘Shifen Trail’ (Event). When you do your on-line entry, you will be asked to tick a box to confirm you have read and understood this form. This is a very important form for the event.

BY SIGNING THIS WAIVER, YOU WILL WAIVE OR GIVE UP CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO SUE OR CLAIM COMPENSATION FOLLOWING AN ACCIDENT PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! 簽署這份協議書你將會放棄部份法律權利,其中包括發生事故後,提起訴訟與要求賠償的權利。請仔細閱讀! By joining Shifen Trail 十分越野 (“EVENT”), I acknowledge that I will be participating in outdoor activities that are potentially dangerous including but not limited to; walking, hiking, running organized by VENTURE TREKS. 參加 Shifen Trail 十分越野,我清楚明白將參與由VENTURE TREKS舉辦的戶外活動,將存在潛在危險,包括但不限於步行、遠足、背包旅行、游泳、劃獨木舟和露營。 My attendance at the EVENT, is strictly voluntary and of my own choice. I agree 100% to accept personal responsibility for all, and any foreseen and unforeseen events that may occur during, including to and from, the EVENT and its activities that I choose to participate in. 參加這個活動完全出於自願與我的選擇,我同意承擔100%與為我自身行為負責。包括我在參加活動的前,中,後所有可預見與不可預見的事情。

I understand that during my participation in the EVENT, I may be exposed to a variety of hazards and risks, foreseen or unforeseen, which are inherent in any and all outdoor adventure events, and cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character of what outdoor adventure represents. These inherent risks include, but are not limited to, the dangers of serious personal injury, property damage, and death (“Injuries and Damages”) from exposure to the hazards of outdoor activities and travel to and from these activities. 我明白,在我參與活動期間,我可能會暴露於各種各樣的危險和風險,預見或未預見,這些危險和風險是任何和所有戶外冒險活動所固有的,在不破壞戶外冒險所代表的獨特性的情況下無法消除。這些固有風險包括但不限於由於暴露於戶外活動的危險以及往返於戶外活動的旅行而造成的嚴重人身傷害、財產損失和死亡(“傷害和損害”)的危險。

I understand that I may be in a remote or isolated location where access to medical support may be limited and take significant time to reach me. There may also be no or inadequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured. 我明白我可能會身處偏僻地點,醫療支援的可及性,可能有限且需要較長時間才能到達。如果我受傷,可能也沒有足夠的治療設施或運輸工具。

VENTURE TREKS has not tried to contradict or minimize my understanding of these risks. I know that Injuries and Damages can occur by natural causes or activities of other persons, animals, trip members, trip organisers or third parties, either as a result of negligence or because of other reasons. VENTURE TREKS並沒有試圖反駁或貶低我對這些風險的理解。我知道傷害和損害可能是由於自然原因或其他人、動物、旅行成員、旅行組織者或第三方的活動,也可能是由於疏忽或其他原因。

VENTURE TREKS, its agents, affiliates, employees, members, sponsors, promoters, volunteers, other participants, and any person or body, directly or indirectly associated with the EVENT take no responsibility for me and will not be held responsible for any injuries or accidents that may occur during the EVENT. Outdoor activities are inherently dangerous and accidents will happen and that risks of such Injuries and Damages are a part of the EVENT. I appreciate that I may have to exercise extra care for my own person and for others around me in the face of such hazards. VENTURE TREKS、其代理商、聯營公司、員工、會員、贊助商、推動者、志願者、其他參與者以及任何直接或間接與本次活動有關的個人或團體,均不對本人承擔任何責任,也不對活動期間可能發生的任何傷害或事故負責。戶外活動本質上是危險的,會發生事故,此類傷害和損害的風險是活動的一部分。我很清楚明白面對這樣的危險,我需要對自己和周圍的人格外小心。 To the fullest extent allowed by law, I agree to WAIVE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY, VENTURE TREKS, its agents, affiliates, employees, members, sponsors, promoters, volunteers, and other participants from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from Injuries and Damages, even if caused by negligence of VENTURE TREKS, its agents, affiliates, employees, members, sponsors, promoters, volunteers, and other participants, in any way connected with the EVENT. 在法律允許的最大範圍內,我同意放棄、解除索賠和免除責任,VENTURE TREKS及其代理、附屬公司、員工、成員、贊助商、推廣商、志願者和其他參與者因或以任何方式導致的傷害和損害而承擔的任何和所有責任,即使是任何由VENTURE TREKS、其代理、附屬機構、員工、會員、贊助商、推廣者、志願者和其他參與者的疏忽造成的。

I further agree to HOLD HARMLESS, VENTURE TREKS, its agents, affiliates, employees, members, sponsors, promoters, volunteers, and other participants from any claims, damages, injuries or losses caused by my own negligence while a participant in the EVENT, I understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release is binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and includes any minors accompanying me on the EVENT. 我進一步同意免責VENTURE TREKS,與其代理、子公司、員工、成員、贊助商、推廣者、志願者和其他參與者的任何索賠,損害,傷害或損失自己過失而造成的參與者在這次事件中,我理解和意願自我承擔假設的風險和放棄綁定在我的繼承人,執行人、管理人和受讓人,包括任何陪同我參加活動的未成年人。 This Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law. If any provision or any part of any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or legally unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall remain valid and fully enforceable. 本協議應在法律允許的範圍內盡可能廣泛和包容。如果本協議的任何條款或任何條款的任何部分因任何原因被視為無效或法律上不可執行,本協議的其餘部分不受此影響,並將繼續有效和完全可執行。 By joining, I freely and voluntarily assume all risks of such Injuries and Damages. 加入活動,我自願承擔所有傷害和損害的風險。

ASSUMPTION OF RISKS: I understand that the EVENT involves many dangers, risks and hazards and I fully and in all legal and other respects assume and accept all those dangers, risks and hazards. I acknowledge that the VENTURE TREKS may fail to predict whether the terrain is safe for the EVENT or whether natural or human caused happenings or equipment failure will occur. The dangers, risks and hazards of the EVENT include but are not limited to: 1. Risk of injury from the activity and equipment utilized is significant, including the potential for permanent disability or death. 2. Falling, causing broken bones, severe injury to the head, neck and back which may result in severe impairment or even death. 3. An “act of nature”, including but not limited to rock fall, inclement weather, thunder and lightning, severe or varied wind, temperature and other weather conditions. 4. Risks associated with crossing, climbing or down-climbing rock. 5. Risks associated with river crossings or wading. 6. Injury or death caused by creeks, rocks, boulders, forest, deadfall, trees, tree stumps, tree fall, uneven terrain, holes or depressions, bridges, fences, electrified fence, man-made structures including rustic tents, dining and wash tents that may collapse, impact or collision with other persons or objects, slips and falls. 7. Possible equipment failure and/or malfunction of my own or others’ equipment. 8. My own negligence and/or the negligence of others, including employees, agents, independent contractors or representatives of VENTURE TREKS. 9. Cold weather and heat-related injuries and illness, including but not limited to frost bite, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, sunburn and dehydration. 10. Exposure to outdoor elements, including but not limited to inclement weather, thunder and lighting, severe and/or varied wind, temperature or weather conditions. 11. Injury or death caused by wild animals or insects. 12. Accidents or illness occurring in remote places where there are no available medical facilities and rescue may be distant and time-consuming at best. 13. Fatigue, chill and/or dizziness, which may diminish my/our reaction time and increase the risk of accident. 14. Terrain that may be unfamiliar, where runners/hikers may get lost, off route or be separated from the rest of the party or may not have received instructions or directions from VENTURE TREKS. 15. Limitations in my sense of balance, physical coordination, and ability to follow instructions. 假設的風險: 我理解活動涉及許多危險、風險和危害,我完然接受在所有法律和其他方面承擔和接受所有這些危險、風險和危害。我明白VENTURE TREKS可能無法預測活動的危險、風險和危害包括但不限於:該地形對活種是否安全,或是否會發生自然或人為原因的事件或設備故障。 1. 所使用的活動和設備造成的傷害風險很大,包括永久殘疾或死亡的可能性。 2. 墜落,造成骨折,頭部、頸部和背部嚴重受傷,可能導致嚴重損傷甚至死亡。 3.“自然行為”,包括但不限於岩崩、惡劣天氣、雷電、惡劣或不可預測的風向、溫度和其他天氣條件。 4. 穿越、攀爬或攀岩所帶來的風險。 5. 與過河或涉水有關的風險。 6. 因小溪、岩石、大圓石、森林、枯死、樹木、樹樁、倒下、凹凸不平的地形、洞或窪地、橋梁、圍欄、電化圍欄、可能的倒塌、與他人或物體碰撞或碰撞、滑倒或墜落的人造構築物(包括鄉村帳篷、餐飲、洗臉帳篷)造成的傷害或死亡。 7. 可能的設備故障和/或我自己或別人的設備故障。 8. 本人的疏忽和/或其他人的疏忽,包括員工、代理、獨立承包商或VENTURE TREKS的代表。 9. 寒冷天氣和與熱有關的傷害和疾病,包括但不限於凍傷、體溫過低、中暑、曬傷和脫水。 10. 暴露於戶外環境,包括但不限於惡劣天氣、雷電、惡劣和不可預測的風向、溫度或天氣條件。 11. 由野生動物或昆蟲所造成的傷害或死亡。 12. 由於路途遙遠造成沒有可用醫療設施和即時救援的偏遠地區發生的事故或疾病。 13. 疲勞、發冷和/或頭暈,可能會縮短我/我們的反應時間,增加發生事故的風險。 14. 可能不熟悉的地形, 在那跑步者和裡徒步者可能迷路 、偏離路線或與團隊其他成員分離,或者可能沒有收到來自VENTURE TREKS的指示或指引。 15. 限制平衡感、身體協調性和聽從指令的能力。

PLEASE NOTE: If participant(s) use an INHALER and/or require EPINEPHRINE (EpiPen), they are responsible for bringing their medication for self-administration during the entire EVENT duration. VENTURE TREKS DOES NOT provide INHALERS or EPINEPHRINE (EpiPen) medications. 請註意:如果參與者使用吸入器和/或需要腎上腺素(EpiPen),他們有責任在整個事件期間攜帶自己的藥物進行自我給藥。VENTURE TREKS不提供吸入器或腎上腺素(EpiPen)藥物。

I understand the description of these risks isn’t complete and that unknown or unanticipated risks may result in injury, illness or death. 我理解這些風險的描述是不完整的,未知或未預料到的風險可能會導致受傷、疾病或死亡。


Assumption of Risk associated with the EVENT
I do hereby affirm and acknowledge that I have been fully informed of the inherent hazards and risks associated with running/hiking. 

照片/影片政策  Photos/Videos Policy 

在整個活動中,會拍攝照片和影片,並可能被用於VENTURE TREKS社群媒體和網站,作為分享內容和或宣傳VENTURE TREKS業務。

我同意VENTURE TREKS可以使用我的照片/視頻,以及在他們的社群媒體渠道和網站上使用我的名字、圖像、肖像和故事作為分享內容和或推廣他們的業務。

 Throughout the event, photos and video footage are taken and may be used on the VENTURE TREKS social media channels and website as a way of sharing the content, and or to promote the VENTURE TREKS business.

I consent that VENTURE TREKS can use the photos/video footage taken of myself and in using my name, image, likeness and also my performance on their social media channels and website as a way of sharing content and or to promote their business.

醫療同意書 Medical Consent Form


醫學同意書可以在Venture Treks網站上找到。


Registrations are only complete once the medical consent form is completed and submitted to us.

The medical consent form is found on the Venture Treks website. Please make sure to thoroughly read through this form before completing it. 

Please complete and submit this at your earliest convenience to ensure the completion of your registration. 

父母/監護人同意書 Parent/guardian consent forms



If your child is participating in this event, then it is important to familiarize yourself with our parent/guardian consent form and submit a completed copy for each child that is participating in this event.

Please complete and submit this at your earliest convenience to ensure the completion of your child’s/children’s registration.

活動保險和參與者個人保險 Event Insurance and Participant Personal Insurance





我同意,如果我受傷或需要醫療幫助,活動/賽事主辦方可能會根據其認為必要的方式,由我支付的費用安排醫療治療和緊急撤離。Venture Treks並未為參與者提供個人意外保險。



We as organizers have taken out Public Liability Insurance for the Event that has limited cover for claims based on accidents or injury caused by the actions or decisions of the organizer.

We do recommend that you arrange your own personal accidental insurance or domestic travel insurance before participating in this event to cover any personal accidental expenses that may arise due to personal injuries during the event, including ambulance fees, medical expenses, or lost of income.  

International participants should purchase travel insurance for the this trail running event before arriving to Taiwan.

All participants are responsible to make sure they understand their insurance policies and the claims they are allowed to file for each type of personal incident or injury. 

I agree that if I am injured or require medical assistance, the Event Organiser may, at my cost, arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation as deemed necessary by the Event Organiser. Venture Treks does not have personal accident insurance for participants.

We recommend that you arrange your own personal accident insurance, ambulance cover and income protection insurance before participating in the Event to cover any unforeseen personal costs you may incur due to ambulance trips, medical expenses, or time off work due to injuries sustained whilst participating in the Event. 

I agree that I am responsible for my own medical and ambulance insurance cover.