Wake up early and join us for the Breakfast Run. Run off that hangover or just get some kilometers in to justify a huge breakfast afterwards.
起個早跟我們一起來場Breakfast Run吧!不論你想趕走宿醉,或是想要跑個幾K後來頓沒有罪惡的豐盛早點~ 這活動絕對是你的首選。
Come meet some like minded runners and enjoy a scenic training run.
Come for a group run, hang out, and enjoy breakfast!
別猶豫了,快一起來場充實的週末Breakfast Run!
Follow our Facebook page for regular updates on the Breakfast Run.
歡迎追蹤我們的FB 專頁,那裡會定時更新我們的相關活動!