The Shack Pizza was opened in Xindian in 2014. Proudly serving the local community for the last eight years with two shops conveniently located near the Xindian MRT and the Qizhang MRT Stations. Serving whole pizzas or by the slice, delicious in house baked goods along with local craft beers and small batch kombucha. In addition, The Shack has satellite shops in Fulong and Bali, supplying the appetite of their local communities. The Shack Pizza strives to satisfy every customer’s cravings. Open everyday!

The Shack披薩於2014年在新店開業。在過去的八年裡,我們分別於新店捷運站和七張捷運站附近的兩家分店,自信地為當地社區提供最好的服務與食物。在我們店裡提供最棒的烘培產品與當地的精釀啤酒和康普茶,The Shack披薩每天開們力求滿足每一個客戶的渴望!

Tilted Shack Brewing Company was conceived in a Xindian pizzeria cellar. We brew fresh, local craft beers that are inspired by the traditions and flavors of the West Coast, USA.

Tilted Shack 精釀(Tilted Shack Brewing Company)是在新店一家披薩店的地窖里構想出來的。我們釀造新鮮的本地精釀啤酒,其靈感來自於美國西海岸的傳統口味。

FAV 運動傷害預防專家旨在結合運動傷害預防、運動競技營養策略,透過與全球專業運動品牌先驅合作,利益大眾的運動品質、將運動表現提升至更高層次。 FAV 是取自英文 “Favorite” 的英文縮寫,意指「最愛的事物」; 發音相近中文「肺腑」。品牌精神希望竭盡全力以「運動科學」奠基,提供運動人最頂級的商品乃至「專業服務」。 向上轉動的金黃綠圓球象徵 “FAV” 作為一個運動品牌,幫助運動人快速 ”F”ast、達到 ”A”chieve、勝利 “V”ictory的境界,永不退轉。


IG/FB: favpremium

FAV is dedicated to combining sports injury prevention and nutrition strategies and cooperating with global professional sports pioneers to benefit everyone’s life and bring higher levels of success. FAV is an English abbreviation taken from the word “favorite”. The brand spirit hopes to make its best efforts to provide athletes with top-notch products in terms of clean sports and science and even professional services. The green yellow upward-turning ball in the logo is used to symbolize “FAV” as a sports brand, helping athletes and active individuals to achieve victory faster and easier all the time and evolving our philosophy persistently.

Find more

IG/FB: favpremium

「堅心」,不僅是我們的名稱,更是對運動營養的堅定承諾。 透過專業研發和科學佐證,我們為每位熱愛運動的您提供最安全且符合需求的產品。 無論您面對哪種運動挑戰,堅心都在這裡,陪伴您以最佳狀態成就卓越表現。

歡迎抵達尋覓太陽眼鏡的最終站! 從研發開始,每支AKIWEI太陽眼鏡, 都具備抗UV、防潑、防海水、防汗、防汙、除霧、防彈的基因, 五年以來不斷以使用者的配戴經驗 持續升級。 不論是專業運動員、運動愛好者或是單純想要一支帥氣時尚的太陽眼鏡, AKIWEI都能提供符合您需求的產品, 與您一同挑戰自我極限。

Welcome to the final stop in your sunglasses hunt!

Every AKIWEI sunglasses have the following functions: Anti-UV, anti-splash, anti-seawater, anti-sweat, anti-fouling, defogging, and bulletproof.

Over the past five years, we have continued to upgrade sunglasses based on the wearing experience of our users. Whether you are a professional athlete, sports enthusiast or just want handsome and fashionable sunglasses, then AKIWEI can provide products that meet your needs!

精心製作的超輕服飾和裝備,以滿足台灣崎嶇山脈的需求。 在地製造、永續生產、不含塑膠的包裝與出貨。 每一針和每一個細節都證明了我們對戶外活動的熱情和對品質的堅定承諾。

Ultralight apparel and equipment carefully crafted to meet the demands of Taiwan’s rugged mountains. Made locally, produced sustainably, shipped without plastic.  Every stitch and every detail is a testament to our passion for the outdoors and our unwavering commitment to quality.

鹿跑-DeerRun 把越野帶入你的生活



Deer Run is an outdoor equipment and clothing store, that supplies a great selection of quality products for any outdoor adventurer!

Visit our website at for more information.

More wild in your life!!

With the belief that “one person’s power is limited, but a group’s power is infinite,” there is always a group of dedicated people carrying Automated External Defibrillators (AED) and first aid kits on the course during a race, they are the DVTT AED Runners, the angels guarding the course.

The DVTT AED RUNNER Team members wear red vests and white hats with the AED logo on them, and carrying small, but crucial AEDs with them, to safeguard everyone on the race course.

The AED Runner team’s mission is based on basic “public service,” and providing free support for road races, trail race, triathlons, and other types of races in Taiwan, and the outlying islands.

Their main task is to guard the course and respond to emergencies, such as sudden cardiac arrest and irregular heart rates, as well as providing emergency medical assistance and trauma care as needed.

AED Runners work in teams of two people (main hand + assistant), with the main hand being the one in charge of the situation at the scene. They must hold a doctor, nurse, or EMT certification in order to fulfill this role. The assistant needs to be qualified in CPR+AED, and helps the main hand to contact relevant personnel and also carries the first aid kit on the course. All attending AED Runners must meet the minimum requirement of completing three full marathons, in order to be able to form part of the DVTT AED RUNNER team.

Check out their FB page for more info on their group. 看一下他們的FB 粉專查看更多他們的訊息!




在龜馬山多山的環境中,您可以盡情享受周圍的自然美景。廣闊的景觀和令人驚嘆的景色! 是一個不折不扣的放鬆心靈、淨化人心的好地方。

龜馬山-紫皇天乙真慶宮不僅是我們年度八里越野活動的舉辦地,他們的參與也涵蓋了我們的各種山徑賽事,對我們的活動的成功扮演重要角色。與龜馬山-紫皇天乙真慶宮的合作,完善了我們在Trail 社群中良好友善的地位,他們始終如一的幫助我們十分越野等活動。我們對他們的支持感到非常感激,他們的支持使我們的活動達到了新的高度!




We are thrilled to have the backing of Guimashan for the 2024 Shifen Trail.

Guimashan is a beautiful place in Bali, New Taipei City, on the foothills of Guanyin Mountain. It has amazing views of Taipei Harbor and the Taiwan Strait.

On the hilly slopes of Guimashan, you can enjoy the natural beauty all around. The wide landscapes and stunning views make it a perfect spot for people who want peace and to connect with the beautiful scenes stretching far away.

Guimashan’s involvement extends beyond being the venue host for our annual Bali Trail. Their steadfast support spans across various trail race events we organize, playing a pivotal role in the successful execution of these exciting events. The partnership with Guimashan not only solidifies our presence in the trail racing community, but also underscores the crucial role they play in the seamless organization of our events. Their unwavering commitment significantly contributes to the overall success and enjoyment of the Shifen Trail and beyond. We are truly grateful for Guimashan’s support, which elevates our events to new heights!

For additional details about Guimashan, please visit:



令人興奮的消息!我們非常榮幸地宣布,Hotel Begins 將與我們攜手合作,為2024 年十分越野,慷慨地為大家提供了伴手禮&餐飲9折券!

位於基隆市的 Hotel Begins 提供舒適現代的住宿選擇。他們的餐廳現場將以異國風味為您的味蕾帶來驚喜,打造出您在其他地方找不到的獨特菜式風格。

要了解更多信息或進行預訂,您可以致電 02-24696777 或發送電子郵件至 [email protected]

您也可以通過他們的網站 方便地進行線上預訂。

FB –

Exciting news! We’re thrilled to share that Hotel Begins is teaming up with us for the 2024 Shifen Trail event. They’re generously providing each participant with a 10% discount meal voucher for use at their fantastic restaurant!

Nestled in the stunning Rongxuan Trail area in Keelung, Hotel Begins offers cozy and modern accommodation options. Their onsite restaurant promises to tantalize your taste buds with a fusion of American and Taiwanese flavors, creating a unique style of light American local cuisine that you won’t find anywhere else.

But that’s not all! Hotel Begins also organizes thrilling extracurricular activities, making every visit an adventure you’ll want to repeat.

To find out more or to make a booking, you can call 02-24696777 or email [email protected]. Alternatively, bookings can be conveniently made online through their website at

FB –

我們很開心地宣布,贊助商行列再增一位合作夥伴! no/W輕量化主題式戶外用品店 將提供我們賽後抽獎! 活動當天現場也可以看到他們出色的產品


1. #輕量折疊水杯…/a1a6b64b-f1fa-438b-8af7…

2. #越野遮陽帽

數量先保密,但老闆很大方! 😂 參賽夥伴記得要留到最後喔!


no/W = no weight

輕量化主題式戶外用品店,帶著輕量化的核心理念,向著 logo 的四個出口,
