​安全注意事項​ Safety Considerations 

作為Shifen Trail的參賽者,你要對自己負責,並且要了解活動的規則和規定。你需要能夠清楚地評估自己的精神和身體能力。你需要接受充分的訓練,並隨身攜帶所有必要的裝備。參賽者應能以半自主的方式完成補給食物、飲料、衣服與相關安全措施。這需要能有適應和面對預期或意想不到的問題的能力(黑暗、壞天氣、身體疾病、受傷等)。



As a Shifen Trail participant, you are responsible for yourself and should know the rules and regulations of the event. You need to be able to clearly evaluate your mental and physical abilities. You need to be sufficiently trained and keep all the necessary equipment with you. Participants should be able to complete their registered category in a semi-autonomous manner in terms of food, drink, clothing and safety. This requires an ability to adapt and face expected or unexpected problems (darkness, bad weather, physical ailments, injury, etc.).

The Event takes place on extremely rugged, single-track hiking trails. Running/hiking on such trails comes with inherent risks that Participants accept upon entering the event. Participants will be in remote areas where help is not always nearby for extended periods and need to be prepared accordingly in cases of emergency. 

In addition to trail conditions, other potential dangers include but are not limited to wet/slippery trail conditions (mud, roots and rocks), wet/slippery boardwalks and bridges, bees/bee stings, road crossings and steep drop-offs/cliffs. Caution must be taken with regard to personal safety. 

活動保險和參與者個人保險 Event Insurance and Participant Personal Insurance

急救 First Aid

醫療救護 Medical Care

緊急情況 Emergencies

建議賽事裝備 Recommended Race Kit

急救站 Aid Stations 

關門時間 Cut-offs

​未完成比賽 DNF (Did Not Finish) 

賽事計時服務 Event Timing