活動免責表單 Event Waivers Forms
改變距離 Changing Distances
在報名截止之前,您可以隨時更改距離。所有有意變更距離的夥伴必須以書面形式發送至[email protected] 通知我們主辦方。
Changing distances is just what it sounds like: switching from one race distance to another (i.e. switching from the 33km to the 18km). This is, for obvious reasons, only available at races where there is more than one distance offered.
NOTE: We do not allow for changing distances in the multi-day stage race categories.
Category changes are made with a non-negotiable NT400 change management fee before April 10, 2025. The fee will be processed as an additional fee.
If there is a cost difference for the category change, this will be charged additionally to the participant.
We encourage you to make category changes as soon as possible so that we can update our participant records. You can change distances at any time prior to online registration closure. All distance changes must be made in writing to [email protected]
找人代跑 Substitutions
如有任何更改請以書面形式發送至[email protected]
Should you be unable to run, a substitution can be made by selling your entry to another runner and changing the details in your entry.
Substitutions are made with a non-negotiable NT400 substitution management fee before April 20, 2025. The fee will be processed as an additional fee.
In the absence of a substitute being found, no refunds will be allowed. Ultimately it is the original participants’ responsibility to find a substitute, the Venture Treks Organizers will also try to assist if they can.
Substitutes will be required to complete the online substitution process, as well as completing all waiver and medical consent forms.
We encourage you to make substitutions as soon as possible so that we can update our records and send relevant information to the new participant.
Substitutions can only be made in writing to [email protected]
If there is a cost difference for the category change, this will be charged additionally to the participant.
We encourage you to make category changes as soon as possible so that we can update our participant records. You can change distances at any time prior to online registration closure. All distance changes must be made in writing to [email protected]
退款政策 Pre-Event Refund Policy
Venture Treks關於退款的取消政策。這是必要的,因為在舉辦活動中發生的大部分費用都是提前由主辦方之支付諾的,而且只有提前很久才能退款。退款將扣除相關的行政和處理費用。賽前費用包括用品、比賽號碼、獎牌、醫療人員、服務供應商、場館費用、工作人員和許多其他項目,這些都需要到位,才能讓你享受一場安全和愉快的比賽!
退款只能通過聯繫[email protected]進行。
This is a Pre-Entry Event. Entries are limited, so we suggest you reserve your place today.
Pre-Entries close on March 27th, 2025 at 12:00 noon, or at the Event Organizer’s discretion, when capacity has been reached.
Full payment is required on entry. An entry is only confirmed on full payment of the entry fee.
Venture Treks has a cancellation policy pertaining to refunds. This is necessary because most of the expenses incurred in staging events are committed to in advance, and as such refunds are only possible well in advance. Refunds will be subject to a nominal administration and handling fee. Pre-event costs include supplies, race numbers, medals, medics, service providers, venue fees, staff and many other items that need to be in place for you to enjoy a safe and enjoyable event. Thank you!
60% of the entry fee paid will be refunded if an entry is canceled in writing on or before midnight on April 10th, 2025.
No refunds will be paid after April 10th, 2024.
Refunds can only be made by contacting [email protected]
NOTE: All refund payments are made within 30 days after the event date.
賽事取消或延期政策 Race Cancellation or Postponement Policy
- 自然災害(或台灣中央氣象局發布的警告)。在這種情況下,不能更改賽道以繼續比賽,也不能推遲比賽日期。
- 由於發生地震、颶風/颱風、洪水、山體滑坡、事故、流行病,而無法確保跑步者的安全。賽事主辦方保留對賽事縮短或取消的最終決定權。
- 比賽是否取消的決定將在比賽前一天或比賽當天作出。這將通過官方比賽網站和官方社交媒體進行溝通。
Our goal is always to provide an enjoyable, safe race experience. However, sometimes unusual conditions (weather and other) may require that, for your health and safety, we cancel a race. We never want to cancel a race and will do so only if the safety risk is great.
The race organizer reserves the right to cancel, modify or call-off the trail race for the following reasons:
- Natural disasters (or declared warnings issued by the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau. In such a case, the race course cannot be changed to continue the race, nor will the race be postponed to a later date.
- The inability to ensure runners safety due to in the event of an earthquake, hurricane/typhoon, flood, landslides, incidents, accidents, epidemics and/or pandemics. The race organizer reserves the right to make judgments and decisions regarding the shortening/canceling of the race.
- The decision as to whether or not the race will be canceled will be made on the day before the race or on the day of the race. This will be communicated via the official race website and official social media.
In such cases there will be no refunds of race entry fees. Each participant must accept any such risk of their entry fee paid. There is no complimentary race entry to a future race. Entry fees collected are used to develop and produce the event, starting well in advance of the race date – including course preparation, race supplies, permits and administration. We will make every effort to produce a fair and safe event for all participants. Any decision we make that impacts the race date or potential cancellation is carefully considered and based on the overall event safety, sustainability and manageability.
In the event of the race being canceled due to circumstances beyond our control, we will attempt to reschedule to a later date in the same year and all entries will transfer to that rescheduled date. If this proves impossible the cancellation policy will apply.
十分越野活動免責聲明 Event Waiver
參加十分越野活動即表示您接受此免責聲明的條款,並確認以下內容:By registering for the Shifen Trail Event, you accept the terms of this waiver, acknowledging the following:
法律免責 Legal Waiver
您放棄因事故而提起訴訟或索取賠償的權利。Venture Treks及其附屬機構對於任何傷害、損失或事故不承擔責任,即使是由於疏忽所致。You waive any rights to sue or seek compensation in case of an accident. Venture Treks and its affiliates are not liable for injuries, losses, or accidents, even if due to negligence.
風險認知 Risk Acknowledgment
- 摔倒、自然環境因素(如岩石、野生動物、天氣)引起的傷害。
- 設備故障或環境因素。
- 其他參賽者的行為以及在偏遠地點醫療設施有限的情況。
Participation in outdoor activities like hiking and trail running involves risks such as injury, property damage, or even death. Risks include:
- Falling, injuries from natural elements (rocks, wildlife, weather).
- Equipment failure or environmental factors.
- Actions of other participants and remote settings with limited medical facilities.
責任承擔 Assumption of Responsibility
參賽是自願的,您承擔由此可能發生的任何事件的全部責任,包括來回活動地點的交通。Participation is voluntary, and you assume full responsibility for any incidents that may occur, including travel to and from the event location.
醫療自給 Medical Self-Sufficiency
需要使用吸入器、腎上腺素(EpiPen)或其他藥物的參賽者必須自備藥品;Venture Treks不提供這些藥物。Participants needing inhalers, epinephrine (EpiPen), or other medications must bring their own supplies; Venture Treks does not provide these.
醫療同意書 Medical Consent
健康狀況 Medical Conditions
我確認我身體狀況良好,能夠參加此活動。我已向活動主辦單位披露任何相關的醫療狀況,並且會在活動期間自主管理自己的健康和安全。I confirm that I am in good physical condition and capable of participating in the event. I have disclosed any relevant medical conditions to the event organizers and will manage my own health and safety during the event.
參賽風險 Risks of Participation
我了解戶外活動可能會導致因天氣、崎嶇地形或其他危險因素而造成受傷、脫水或生病。我理解參賽所涉及的身體負擔和風險。I acknowledge that outdoor activities may result in injury, dehydration, or illness due to weather, rough terrain, or other hazards. I understand the physical demands and risks involved.
緊急醫療處置同意 Consent to Emergency Medical Treatment
在緊急情況下,我授權活動醫療人員及急救人員提供必要的醫療處置。我同意進行為確保我的健康和安全而認為必要的治療。In case of emergency, I authorize event medical staff and first responders to provide any necessary medical treatment. I consent to treatments deemed advisable to ensure my health and safety.
保險與責任豁免 Insurance and Liability Waiver
我確認我擁有自己的醫療保險。我放棄並釋放對活動主辦單位、贊助商、醫療人員、志工及合作夥伴的所有索賠,並同意對我參與活動過程中可能發生的任何傷害、損害或財產損失不追究責任。I confirm I have my own medical insurance. I waive and release all claims against the event organizers, sponsors, medical staff, volunteers, and affiliates for any injury, harm, or property damage arising from my participation.
確認 Acknowledgment
我在下方簽名,確認我已閱讀並理解本豁免條款和醫療同意書,並自願接受參與活動所涉及的風險。By signing below, I confirm I have read and understood this waiver and medical consent, and I voluntarily accept the associated risks of participation.
父母/監護人同意書 Parent/guardian consent forms
If your child is participating in this event, then it is important to familiarize yourself with our parent/guardian consent form and submit a completed copy for each child that is participating in this event.
The parent/guardian consent form can also be found here:
Please complete and submit this at your earliest convenience to ensure the completion of your child’s/children’s registration.
賽事規則 Rules
- 主辦方保有最終決定的權利,參賽者不得異議。
- 參賽者必須在活動當天年滿18歲,才能參加多日分段越野賽(36公里/51公里)或單日越野賽(33公里/18公里)。
- 我們接受14至17歲的青少年參加4公里五分山健行、6公里五分山衝刺以及10公里越野賽,但僅限於那些我們收到父母書面簽署同意書的參賽者。
- 7至13歲的兒童可以在父母陪同下參加4公里五分山健行、6公里五分山衝刺。此健限於那些我們收到父母書面簽署同意書的參賽者,且孩子需與父母一同參加4公里五分山健行、6公里五分山衝刺。
- 賽事中不得有非正式參賽者,使用他人號碼參賽將導致取消資格。
- 不得以他人名義參賽。若需更換參賽者,必須按照正確程序辦理。
- 所有的參賽者若沒有完成該組別應進行的路線,將參賽取消資格。
- 如果你幸運的被摸獎到了,應立即通知主辦方,才算有效。不接受當場不在,事後來與主辦方抗議的情形產生。
- 參賽者應全程跟隨賽事的標示進行路線,並於Aid Station(AS) / Checkpoint (CP)取得信物或作記。
- 請確實在Aid Station(AS) / Checkpoint (CP)取的大會的晶片掃描/作記/人員登記號碼等。如果你未確實做到上述的行為,你將會被視為未完成路線,同時也不會被系統排名。所以請務必配合大會人員。
- 請務必讓你的號碼布別至於前方且可以讓大會人員清楚辨認。如果擔心衣服遮擋到號碼布,建議你使用號碼帶。
- 如果你偏離賽道路線,請你先回到偏離的地點再開始跑,抄捷徑或任何不舞弊的行為將不被接受,且主辦方保有取消您參賽資格的權利。
- 請不要為了取得更好的位子,而走不是賽道路線路徑,應該等適當的時機才進行超越前方選手。
- The Event Organiser. 主辦方有權因賽道或天候等需求,要求參賽穿戴/攜帶相關的物件。
- 參賽者可以依據自己的需求吃任何我們再水站提供的補給跟飲品,但禁止從補給站拿取任何瓶子/罐子/杯子等離開,請自己動手裝水或拿自己想吃的零食,特別是當選手眾多的時候。
- 本活動不提供水杯,因此要麻煩參賽者自行攜帶。
- 如果你有使用登山杖的夥伴,請確保你從出發到完成路線都全程攜帶著它。請勿隨意丟棄或藏於任何地方,甚至要求工作人員代為保管。 並且在使用的過程中確保周遭人員的安全。
- 參賽者嚴禁配戴耳機進行活動。
- 活動進行的過程中請尊重其他的使用者(踏青的夥伴或當地的住戶) 當你要超過他們或穿越你無法辨識是否有人的地方,請你放慢速度,確保自身與他人的人生安全。
- 如果你刻意無視相關規定規則,(特別是與環境安全相關的事項),經工作人員的勸說下依舊故我,那我們將有權取消你的活動資格。
- 任何人不得使用辱罵的語言,或有違反運動精神的行為產生,不得以汙辱/歧視/仇憤之方式攻擊主辦方Venture Treks、工作人員、總監、營銷人員、支持者、媒體或交通人員。
- 我們期待參賽者若看到受傷的參賽者可以幫忙進行基本的急救,如果有需要,在嚴重受傷的情況下,採取更進一步的援助。
- 我們在醫護站與檢查點提供點心與食物與水。
- 賽道中禁止攜帶寵物。
- 如未能遵守上述所提及的規則,我們將會有相關的辦法處置/取消其資格/相關應變措施。
- The Event Organiser’s decision is final.
- Participants must be 18 years of age or older on event day in order to participate in the Multi-day Stage Trail Races (36km/51km) or Single Day Trail Races (33km / 18km).
- We do however accept kids between the ages of 14 and 17 years to participate by themselves in the 4km Mt. Wufen Hike, 6km Mt. Wufen Sprint and 10km trail race. Acceptance to these races and hike only applies for those who we receive written signed parental consent from for.
- Children between the ages of 7 and 13 can participate in the 4km Hike and 6km Mt Wufen Sprint with their parents. Acceptance to the Hike and Sprint only applies for those who we receive written signed parental consent from and if the child participates with their parents on the 4km Hike and 6km Mt Wufen Sprint.
- There will be no unofficial participants in the race, running under someone else’s number will result in disqualification.
- No person will be allowed to run under someone else’s name. Proper procedure is to be followed to make a substitution.
- Any participant who has not completed the entire course will be disqualified.
- If you withdraw from the event, participants must notify the race organizers or a marshal immediately.
- Participants must follow the marked course the entire way and register at each Aid Station(AS) / Checkpoint (CP).
- You must check in at each AS and or checkpoint (CP) with the checkpoint officials to get scanned/registered/noted. Failure to do so will mean you will not have been registered as completing the race course and you risk disqualification or not being ranked. You may not skip these points.
- Your event bib number must be visible at all times on the outside of your clothing and on the front of your body. Do not cover your race number with any article of clothing. We recommend using a race belt.
- Any participant leaving the marked route must rejoin the route at the same point they left it. Shortcuts, including avoiding switchbacks, are not permitted.
- No overtaking by going off the trail. Wait until there is adequate space to pass another runner.
- Participants may be required to wear and/or carry certain items of equipment as indicated by the Event Organizer.
- Participants may take as much food and beverage as needed from each Aid Station provided by the organizer. Race participants will not be allowed to take any bottles, cans or cups from these areas and should plan on carrying and refilling their own hydration systems at the Aid Stations.
- We are a cupless race and carrying your own cup is compulsory.
- Participants who choose to use poles must carry these on them at all times, from start to finish. Poles cannot be discarded, stashed or given to crew for keeping. Please be conscious of those around you when using poles.
- Participants may not wear headphones of any sort.
- Yield on the trail by respecting other trail users (i.e. recreational users and residents) when passing – be aware of blind spots and slow down when you need to.
- If you deliberately ignore customary rules of conduct of the trail, road and checkpoints – especially concerning safety, waste, erosion and hygiene – you will at best incur a time penalty; at worst it will be grounds for disqualification.
- No one must: use abusive language, act in an unsporting manner, and be disrespectful to the Venture Treks officials, crew, marshalls, medical attendants, supporters, the media or the traffic officials.
- Participants are expected to administer basic first aid to injured competitors, and if required, take necessary steps to summon assistance in the case of a serious injury.
- Snacks, food and water will be available at the AS or CP points.
- No pets are allowed. The trails aren’t suitable for pets.
- Failure to adhere to any of these rules may result in penalties which could include time penalties, disqualification and/or any other sanction deemed appropriate by the Race Organiser.

