時間 Timing 

沿路的路線標記 Course Markings

保護環境 Nature

山徑上其他使用者 Other Trail Users

關門時間 Cut-offs

急救站 Aid Stations 

路線 Route Maps 


在黑色邊框的底部更改距離測量為Km ‘s 進去plotaroute.com網站上的地圖查看更多細 點擊菜單,選擇“下載”下載GPX、KML或TCX文件。 點擊菜單,選擇“山丘”,在底部顯示海拔圖表。 點擊菜單,選擇“路線”,顯示路線說明和重要信息。 選擇地圖,在右上角選擇衛星或路徑,衛星的呈現比較好。 放大/縮小-滾動路線以了解路線和重點。 

Tips for using the maps below:

Change the distance measurement to Km’s on the bottom of the black border. Go to the Map on plotaroute.com in order to see more details. Click on menu and select “”Downloads” to download GPX, KML or TCX files. Click on menu and select “Hills” to show the Elevation graph on the bottom. Click on menu and select “Directions” to show route notes and important information. Select Map, Satellite or Path on the top right to chose your background layout. Satellite is the best. Zoom in / out – Scroll over the route to get an understanding for the route and the important points. 

4/26 週六 Saturday, April 26

離線地圖下載:Download the GPX here

4km – 五分山健行 Mt. Wufen Hike

出發地點 Start – 新平溪煤礦博物園區-選洗煤場 XPS Coal Mine Museum Park-Coal Preparation and Washing Plant

完成地點 Finish – 五分山 瞭望亭 Wufenshan Lookout Pavilion

6km – 五分山衝刺 Mt. Wufen Sprint 

出發地點 Start – 新平溪煤礦博物園區-選洗煤場 XPS Coal Mine Museum Park-Coal Preparation and Washing Plant

完成地點 Finish – 五分山 瞭望亭 Wufenshan Lookout Pavilion 

18km – 多日賽第一天 Multi-day Stage Race – Day 1 

出發地點 Start – 新平溪煤礦博物園區-選洗煤場 XPS Coal Mine Museum Park-Coal Preparation and Washing Plant

完成地點 Finish – 十分月桃寮露營區(活動會場) Shifen Waterfall Yuetaoliao Camping Area (Event Venue)


The 18km race on Saturday, April 26th, is not a standalone event but part of the multi-day race series. Participants must register for both stages of the multi-day races to compete in the 18km segment. For those interested in single-day races, alternative options are available.

4/27週日 Sunday, April 27

離線地圖下載:Download the GPX here

10km – 探索者 The Explorer 

出發地點 Start – Houtong Pit Mining Leisure Park 猴硐坑礦休閒公園 

完成地點 Finish – 十分月桃寮露營區(活動會場) Shifen Waterfall Yuetaoliao Camping Area (Event Venue) 

18km – 挑戰者組 The Challenger 

出發地點 Start – 十分月桃寮露營區(活動會場) Shifen Waterfall Yuetaoliao Camping Area (Event Venue) 

完成地點 Finish – 十分月桃寮露營區(活動會場) Shifen Waterfall Yuetaoliao Camping Area (Event Venue) 

33km – 冒險者組 The Venturer 

出發地點 Start – 十分月桃寮露營區(活動會場) Shifen Waterfall Yuetaoliao Camping Area (Event Venue) 

完成地點 Finish – 十分月桃寮露營區(活動會場) Shifen Waterfall Yuetaoliao Camping Area (Event Venue)