Volunteers 志工們
To ensure Venture Treks events run smoothly, we need volunteers to help us along the way. Our events rely on friendly, approachable, enthusiastic people like you, supporting our participants, in a range of roles including course sweeping and marshaling. We are looking for like minded, good hearted people who are passionate about the outdoors to lend a hand at our events.
為了讓整體活動更加順利,誠摯地希望志工們的加入。如果你對於路跑賽事有熱情、喜歡跟人互動、想來幫賽道上奔跑的夥伴加油、想要當賽道的掃把或你有賽事物資的安排經驗等… 都歡迎與我們聯繫喔~