還記得十分越野的美景嗎? 沒錯我們已經準備好第二屆十分越野。來體驗壯麗的自然景色、精彩的步道、風景如畫的森林和壯觀的瀑布。我們有多種路線選項,供你根據你的需求選擇

路線簡介: 27公里和18公里的步道賽適合那些熱愛冒險的越野跑者。12公里和6公里的步道賽適合那些尋求有趣路線,適合平常跑步和健行的人。6公里的徒步步道適合我們所有的登山愛好者。



Venture Treks presents the 2nd edition of this beautiful trail race in the Shifen area. Come experience the beautiful landscapes, awesome trails, scenic forests and majestic waterfalls along the way. Select one of the various distances to suit your fitness and come test yourself!

The 27km and 18km trail races are for the serious and adventurous trail runners. The 12km and 6km trail races are for those looking at a fun route that is suitable for running and walking. The 6km hike trail is suitable for all our hiking friends.

We have an awesome event venue at the Shifen Waterfall Yuetaoliao Camping Area, offering camping as an option, should you wish to stay over the night before the event. We will also have BBQ the night before the event for those who are interested.

Excluded in your entry is your accommodation and camping. To be booked separately, there are various options available.

Join our FB group for regular event updates.