賽事成績 Results

初步結果將立即在網站上公佈。最終結果(包括任何更正)將在比賽后幾天內公佈在本網站上。希望提出抗議的選手必須在比賽結束後60分鐘內通知組織者。 任何異議我們將由一個由賽事總監和兩個獨立第三方組成的三人小組一同討論。委員會的決定將是最終決定。
Preliminary results will be available immediately on the website. Final results (with any corrections) will be posted on this website within a few days of the race. Runners wishing to make a protest must notify the organizers within 60 minutes of finishing the race. Protests will be considered by a three-person committee consisting of the race director and two independent third parties. Decisions of the committee are final.