Get in Touch 感謝與我們聯繫
Thank you for your interest in Venture Treks. 謝謝你對Venture Treks活動感興趣。
If you’d like to enquire about a specific event or have a general question regarding our services, please use the form below to message us. Alternatively you can reach out to us through social media or email.
如果你對我們特定活動感興趣或想詢問我們提供之相關的服務,請使用下面表單留話給我們。 或是你可以直接透過各社交平台或EMAIL與我們聯繫。
We look forward to hearing from you.
組辦單位: 梵克戶外有限公司 Email: [email protected] 中文聯絡電話: 林先生/Barton (週一至週五 18:00-20:00) English contact: Jean(週一至週五 18:00-20:00)